whats new/release 37 notes.. 1. I throw out first stage Grouraud triangles intial steps - - (sorting cooefs, two calling horizontal line loops).. 2. I tried extend chunks editing - Bezier cage and pararell ffd deformation and /Next editing/ - using colored bars.. 3. I change a bit files names nomenclature. So - triangles render models - horizontal line only -> begin from '2'; files contains both: First stage loops and horizontal lines rendering procs - name begin from '3'. 4. Bezier patches artifact work ++.. still need furnish... 5. I throw out plain line redundant proc.. 6. 2fur procedure corrections (without MMX regs). 7. Next variables copying at start.. (tiny change).. 8. New reverse matrix procedure and corrections of environment calling this rewrited proc. 9. New make matrix procedure.. 11. Bezier / spline curves code shrinked.... 12. Throw out: two_tex, plain_bump, plain tex procs. Features moved to bump_tex proc.. 12. New bilnear filter in grd_tex displaying/rendering model (pmaddwd based) .. 13. Bug detected - triangulation of tris with positive 'z' norm cooef not work - removed... 14. Plain Gouraud triangle - I throw out - features in '2tex_grd.inc' file.... 15. Lines proc changes rcpps instead idiv ... 16. Bilinear filtering (float sse based) routines in (Real Phongs models) isolated as separate procedure... 17. New rem_unused_vert proc - removes unsed 32 bit indices of verts - faster - allow faster working opt_chunks proc. 18. New calculating edges proc - now it makes chunks-edges struct - desc of every chunks from edges point of view ... 19. Saving object to file in .stl format .. various 3rd part apps import it properly.. 20. New calc vertices normal vectors proc - simplified... 21. I took atempt to save object into 'off' files - smaller in size than 'asc'.. I plan make something that MeshLab accept - no luck for now .. 21. I introduce new button - 'Chun opers' - button allow processing some operttions chunks related, so - invert normal vectors (clockwise - non clockwise directions of declared vertices in tris description), - tesselate of whole chunk, - mirror chunk according to 'Y' axle... - merge vertices from selected chunk - 'aprox tolerancy' button value determines how much near verts should be, 'dsp factor' button - determines tolerancy of normal vectors - very buggy .. - idea:: do it without [chunks_struct] ... This allow spare overal buttons number.. 22. Shrinked binary... ~ 89 kb ver 36 <=> ~ 84 kb ver 37 23. Merge all vertices - works in 'check normal vectors mode' .. Button 'aprox tolerancy' its value determines how much near verts should be, butt 'dsp factor' - determines tolerancy of normal vectors .. Set first bit of ecx before procs call .. Merging vertices ALWAYS from tesselate area.. test with care - Maciej Jul 2023